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'20 Trivia Questions in the sudden death format'

Question 1 of 20
In the harbor of what city did a famous "Tea Party" take place in 1773?
Question 2 of 20
Which of the following Presidents' First Lady was named Betty?
Question 3 of 20
The American national anthem is called "The Star Spangled..." what?
Question 4 of 20
What was the name of the man who killed Lee Harvey Oswald in 1963?
Question 5 of 20
The Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens stands on the west bank of what river?
Question 6 of 20
What part of the world does belly dancing come from?
Question 7 of 20
What color did World War I German ace pilot Manfred Von Richtofen paint his aircraft?
Question 8 of 20
Which German was nicknamed the 'Desert Fox'?
Question 9 of 20
The city of St. Louis is in which US state?
Question 10 of 20
Which country was invaded by the Soviet Union in 1979?
Question 11 of 20
In what African country are Amboseli National Park, Tsavo National Park and Mombasa popular tourist destinations?
Question 12 of 20
What does the "F" in John F. Kennedy stand for?
Question 13 of 20
What does the rating "E" stand for when a video game is playable for all ages?
Question 14 of 20
In which country are the headquarters of the EU?
Question 15 of 20
What did the word "quisling," after the Norwegian politician Vidkun Quisling, became a synonym for during and after World War II?
Question 16 of 20
Reyka vodka gets its name from the local word for "steam" and that word provides part of the name of the capital. Where is it from?
Question 17 of 20
Of the following former U.S. presidents, who served most recently?
Question 18 of 20
The islands of Inishmore, Inishmaan and Inishere lie off the coast of which European country?
Question 19 of 20
The first example of which classic toy was sold in a Brooklyn toy store in 1902?
Question 20 of 20
Which branch of Yoga advocates the path of action?