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Sudden Death Quiz

Question 1 of 15
What is the name of a workshop where an artist produces art?
Question 2 of 15
Known for wearing tinted glasses, what movie pirate might as well wear an eye patch, since he's been basically blind in his left eye since birth?
Question 3 of 15
Which European country gave us the dish of goulash?
Question 4 of 15
Which of the following endangered species may you find in the Grand Canyon?
Question 5 of 15
The science term "revolution" is best defined as what?
Question 6 of 15
Writer William S Burroughs was named for his grandfather, who invented an arithmometer in 1885. What is this?
Question 7 of 15
Twenty-two months of negotiation and the 1998 Good Friday Agreement ended violence in what nation?
Question 8 of 15
Who was the first person to appear on the cover of Playboy?
Question 9 of 15
What was the name of the mutual defense treaty that eight communist states in Eastern Europe established on 14 May 1955?
Question 10 of 15
What 16th and 17th century English playwright and poet was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon and was married to Anne Hathaway?
Question 11 of 15
Of the following countries which is most renowned for making chocolate?
Question 12 of 15
What is the capital city of the country Bosnia and Herzegovina?
Question 13 of 15
Who sang the famous song "Break On Through (To The Other Side)" (1967) ?
Question 14 of 15
You may like your meat well-marbled. What makes up the marbles?
Question 15 of 15
If Susan wakes up at 6 am and nods off at 12 midnight, how many hours was she awake?