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Mixed Trivia Quiz
Question 1 of 10
If a drumstick costs .75 and a thigh costs .50, how much would four drumsticks and four thighs cost?
Question 2 of 10
What country's Queen Liliuokalani wrote the song Aloha Oe?
Question 3 of 10
Shortly after filming a car safety spot, who died on a California highway when his Porsche 550 Spyder collided into a 1950 Ford Tudor coupe that was turning onto Route 41 west of Cholame, California?
Question 4 of 10
What German soldier was called the Desert Fox during World War II?
Question 5 of 10
The Chicano Movement was a political movement by which group?
Question 6 of 10
The Armstrong-Whitworth F.K.10 aircraft was used predominantly by which country in World War I?
Question 7 of 10
Over what people did Montezuma reign as emperor?
Question 8 of 10
What reduces the efficiency of machines, because it turns kinetic energy into heat?
Question 9 of 10
Cole slaw is included in which cuisine?
Question 10 of 10
Marsupial babies typically go by what name?

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