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Tag the smartest friend you have on facebook and challenge him to score a 7+
Average Score: 9
63% knows the answer to this question:
"Which country celebrates Bastille Day?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"The Beatles had which of these hit singles in 1967?"
Quiz on General Knowledge
Brainteaser! Is this picture moving?
Average Score: 9
47% knows the answer to this question:
"In which of these countries would you find aborigines?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What is embedded in reinforced concrete to increase its tensile strength?"
'Regarding medical knowledge assessment'
Would you allow me to nurse you?
Average Score: 9
44% knows the answer to this question:
""Clearasil" is a product used to treat what?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"According to rumours, what takes seven years to pass through your digestive system if swallowed?"
Can you surpass my 8?
Mixed Trivia Quiz
Average Score: 9
90% knows the answer to this question:
"A 2008 Jasper Johns exhibition exclusively featured 130 works in what dull color?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"If you want squid in an Italian restaurant, what do you order?"
These questions can only be correctly solved by a genuine mathematician.
Math Quiz
Average Score: 9
63% knows the answer to this question:
"What is the area of a parallelogram with a base of 8 feet and height of 4 feet?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"A octagon with each side 7 inches long, what is the perimeter?"
'If you recognize this, feel free to share!'
Mixed Trivia Quiz
Average Score: 9
43% knows the answer to this question:
"What country's flag is white and has a large red disk in the center?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"A nine-minute scene in the Charlton Heston version of Ben-Hur is one of the most famous action scenes in movie history. What happens in it?"
Quiz for intelligent individuals resulting in sudden death!
Do you know the answer to question 11?
Average Score: 0
85% knows the answer to this question:
"Francois Mitterrand was President of which country?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"The movie version of what TV series featured Burt Reynolds as Boss Hogg and Willie Nelson as Uncle Jessie?"
Quiz of Sudden Death.
Can you get past question 10?
Average Score: 0
57% knows the answer to this question:
"What best-selling book is about a hot puzzle craze first originating in Japan?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What city is called Venezia by the locals?"
How does your zodiac sign reflect on your score?
Quiz: Survival Mode
Average Score: 0
35% knows the answer to this question:
"What is the missing word: A fool and his money are soon ....
And do you know the answer to this one?
"What does 11 raised to the power of 1 equal?"
'Quiz designed for true enthusiasts of general knowledge'
You are most likely to fail this quiz
Average Score: 8
84% knows the answer to this question:
"What would you wear outside in a story about Christmas?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"In what century did two-thirds of Europe's Jews die, more than had died in 18 centuries worth of pogroms?"
Quiz on General Knowledge
This quiz is way out of my league
Average Score: 9
31% knows the answer to this question:
"Who was Anne Frank?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"Who served first of the following former U.S. presidents?"
Discover your Trivia IQ!
Is it better than 110?
Average Score: 8
57% knows the answer to this question:
"What bean-shaped organ is supposedly stolen from New Orleans tourists, who wake up in ice-filled bathtubs after a night of carousing?
And do you know the answer to this one?
"In "The Wizard of Oz", what state is Dorothy from?"